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Each fall and spring the Foundation plans to accept applications for the Foundation's Classroom Grant Program.

As part of the Foundation’s commitment to the educational opportunities of our rural Central Texans, we would like to invite teachers to apply for one of our $100 Classroom Grants.

Teachers and administrators can download the simple application form that needs to be completed and postmarked by September of each year. 

The grants can be used by the teacher for any purpose that expands educational opportunities for the students. The application must be completed, signed by the applicant, signed by the applicant’s principal, and postmarked or returned to the Foundation by the deadline to be considered.

The Foundation hopes that this program will grow and expand as our fundraising and community outreach increases. It is our desire that the Foundation becomes a positive community resource.

Scholarship Fund – Scholarships for rural students seeking trade education or college degrees with a commitment to return to rural communities after completion of their program.


Phone: 254-583-0009

Email: grants


P.O. Box 522 Rosebud,  TX  76570

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